Triton Robotics



Triton Robotics was founded in 2018 and we compete at the RoboMaster competition with over 200 teams every year. This is a PVP live projectile robotics competition where operators control robots through the keyboard and mouse (similar to FPS games). We worked on 7 different robotics projects simultaneously and we were split into 4 groups: mechanical, embedded, electronics, and computer vision.

I worked in the team as president during 2021-2022, running operation of the team including project management, recruitment, event planning, promotion, and public relation. During this year, we successfully raised funding over $10,000 and were able to cover the cost of 7 robots. I also participated in mechanical design and inspection.

I also worked on upgrading the design and inspection procedure, expanded the team from 4 ground robot projects to 7 projects in including both ground and aerial robots.

Infantry Robots:

Rover-like robots that can aim and shoot projectiles at other robots, one of the three robots navigates detects, and aims other ground robots autonomously.

Hero Robot:

Large rover-like robot that can launch golf balls at other robots.

Engineer Robot:

This robot contains a claw to collect and store boxes from the ground and platforms. It also has a claw to tow damaged robots to the recovery zone and a forklift to move obstacles.

Sentry Robot:

Rail-sliding robot that hangs from an evaluated rail. It has a “double turret“ so it can shoot two ammos at the same time.

Dart Launcher:

Stationary robot that can launch “darts“, which are small airplanes that propel and automatically route themselves to a specific target 100ft away.

Aerial Robot:

Heavy lifting quadcopter with a turret mounted on a 3 axis gimbal.

Armor Plate Detection Test

Supercapacitor Control Board Schematics

Drone - PID Tuning (Yaw)

Drone - Sensor